9,5% ALC./VOL

Kompel Nostalgia Collection Batch NO.9 - THE CENTURY PARTY

We will not let the 100th anniversary of "Charbonnage Eisden" pass unnoticed. The collection is joined by a Brutbier. The tender floral hops and soft fruitiness of the Champagne yeast are presented in a noble way in the glass. The delicate pearls push the aromas upwards in the full head.

An aperitif beer to sound with.

Release datum: 09.11.2022

Type Bier: BRUT



This image of the first coal wagon that departed from the Eisden coal mine to a customer on September 7, 1922 had just been done with the help of the steam crane, so that Mr Van Der Harte, then commissioner of NV Kolenmijnen Limburg-Maas and friend of the deputy manager Paul Lambert, proudly standing on the ladder against the wagon on which was clearly written in chalk ”1er Départ. Sept. 7, 1922”.

From the consignment note that came with this cargo of Eisden coal, we could conclude that the journey went over "Asch and Hasselt to Achel". Then crossed the border to Valkenswaard, where “the contents were released” for the recipient: “Mr. Leo Schellens Trypfabriek Eindhoven Holland.”

The delivery of the first coal production to a customer has always been dated as the start of a coal mine's production.

In the photo, on the right, were Mr. Verbouw, he was a superintendent on the upper ground of and married to Mrs. Eisden. Behrens.

Mr. Van Der Harte, was also consul of the Netherlands. He lived with his wife and daughter in Villa Beerensheuvel. Van Der Harte was a well-known appearance in the region in the 1920s. He moved on a three-wheeled bicycle, pushed by a large pull dog, which ran under the tricycle and pushed the colossus.

Trype is a velvet fabric that is mainly used for covering seats, etc

In the Dutch province of Brabant and especially in and around Eindhoven, there were more than twenty textile factories at the time. A large part of these companies would close their doors in the 1950s.

Source: Eisden Heritage Foundation

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